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What basic conditions should be met for group brand brochure design?

What are the basic conditions that should be met in the design of group brand brochures? When designing this album, there are actually many basic conditions that need to be met. For example, there is one aspect. When designing this work, the cover must be beautiful and generous, so that you can The picture album will look more generous and can better demonstrate the charm of the company through this picture album. A good cover can also attract readers and make them interested in reading more about this topic. Below we will introduce other conditions that need to be met when making this picture album.

Another condition that needs to be met when designing a group brand brochure is that there should be some text content in the brochure, even though the name contains a picture character. However, there should still be some text to show the content in a way that combines pictures and text, so that readers can know the specific meaning of these pictures when reading this album, and at the same time, a lot of information can be conveyed through these words. , for example, these words can convey the cultural information of the company, convey the strength of the company, or show readers the bright future development prospects of the company, thus making the album more likely to attract readers' attention. Indirectly, it can increase the attention of this enterprise. When making this picture album, another requirement that must be met is that it must be concise. Don't make this picture album too many. If there are too many pages, the viewer may not be interested in continuing to browse. Generally speaking, it is good to control the number of pages in this kind of picture album within 20 to 50 pages.

In addition to the above, there is another important condition that needs to be met in the design of a group brand brochure. That is, there may be some text in the brochure. These texts must be concise and clear, and should not be written in a lengthy manner. If there is a lot of text in it, viewers may not be interested in reading it. When making this picture album, it is best to use color printing, because we know that the effect may not be very good if it is black and white. If it is in color, the album may be more upscale, and the content presented will be more realistic and gorgeous. The last thing is that the paper quality of this album must be good.

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