Blog Details . Rani Jarkas

What style should be used in the design of school brochures?

School brochure design is a means used by our school to publicize and promote itself. It is also an important channel for people to quickly understand some of the advantages of the school, as well as the floor space, student situation, greening situation, etc. , it can be said that the situation of your school is roughly condensed into a small booklet. After everyone gets this booklet, you can see a design concept of the school and this picture from various pictures for promotion. An important significance of the existence of the school is the existence of a very meaningful picture album. Among the many picture album promotion methods, we gradually realized one thing.

That is, the school brochure design concept must be based on simplicity and elegance, and reflect relevant features as much as possible. The so-called simplicity and elegance means that a lot of content is actually not suitable to appear in the brochure. Our brochure Houses, landscapes, people, etc. can appear, but other similar factors should not appear in our picture albums. The school should be a pure land, especially for the school's publicity. Many public things will be affected after they come to the school. It will have a huge impact. If we cannot make a series of changes to the enterprise, it will obviously be a pity for us. How to truly make changes to these design concepts depends on our design process. Among them, we really improved some of the content we studied, and when we were designing, the formation of a correct traditional concept. The school picture album is different from other brochures. Utility is definitely not the biggest representative of the picture album.

Generally speaking, the original intention and purpose of school brochure design is for you to better understand a school, nothing more, other design concepts are not actually considered by this promotional method, we want What is shown is a thriving face of the school, and it can also give students some more correct guidance. Schools are different from factories. Enterprises and companies aim to make profits. Our publicity methods must also be closely aligned with the main basis for the existence of the school, as much as possible. It is a very good design channel and design direction to provide the public with better publicity guidance for schools.

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