Blog Details . Rani Jarkas

What are the uses of Baidu snapshots? What are they useful for SEO?

Many people are familiar with Baidu. When they encounter problems they don't understand, they go to Baidu. However, they don't seem to know much about Baidu snapshots. So what is the role of Baidu snapshots? In this article, website optimization experts will talk with you about the relevant knowledge of Baidu snapshots, hoping to be helpful to everyone.

First, query the page crawl range
When we encounter a problem and click on Baidu snapshot, we will find that some keywords are displayed in different colors. For example, if you use the word "seo service" to query the snapshot of the website, then the word "seo service" will appear in different colors on the page. Naturally, we will You can use the color to judge the situation of a web page being crawled by Baidu Spider, so as to have a clear judgment of the situation.

Second, the role of finding friendly links
When doing SEO, everyone attaches great importance to the role of external links. What everyone often pays attention to when exchanging friendly links is website weight, PR value, export links, website inclusion, website IP number, etc. These are all basic things that should be paid attention to. In view of this, Zhengzhou SEO experts believe that everyone also needs to check whether the friendly links of the other party's website are jumping. At the same time, please also pay attention to the friendly links of Baidu snapshots below the friendly links.

Third, analyze the role of website anchor text
Another way is to look at the anchor text through Baidu snapshots. For example, when you publish an external link, some platforms set the nofollow flag. What is this? Nofollow is a shielding symbol. If you publish an external link on a platform that contains such characters, If you publish external links on the Internet, it will not have any effect on the website's keyword ranking and website weight improvement, so naturally you can abandon such a platform.

Baidu snapshot is a response factor for search engine spiders to crawl the website. Baidu snapshot cannot be ignored. This is an important factor that everyone needs to refer to for website optimization.

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