Blog Details . Rani Jarkas

Make search engines fall in love with your website

An important part of website optimization is to improve search engine friendliness. However, some webmasters say that their websites are not liked by search engines. Why is this? Why do search engines selectively like websites? Then What's the reason why it doesn't value our SEO company's website?

The search engine's preferences are determined by itself. It analyzes the website based on its own algorithm. However, at the same time, we cannot deny that search engines will have manual intervention, especially domestic search engines. Let's not Discuss the case for human intervention. Zhengzhou seo company experts pointed out that allowing search engine spiders to visit our site as much as possible is the key to optimizing our rankings. We can see that many websites today often miss out on spiders due to confusing structural patterns and layouts, and thus many opportunities are lost.

Search engines are not able to identify websites that put a lot of content on scripts or pictures. Nowadays, many webmasters rack their brains to create a large number of high-quality picture animations in order to make their sites look more beautiful. Moreover, a lot of important content was placed on these pictures, Flash or scripts, but the result was nothing. Search engines won't even look at it. The simple and effective way is to convert the important content of the site into content that spiders can recognize while retaining the beauty of the website. At the same time, we can use some webmaster tools to simulate the crawling situation of spiders, observe the information that may be missed, and then Guide this information back to the engine spider.

When designing the website, the navigation bar of the website should also be structured. Because an overly complex website navigation bar is prone to navigation problems, the navigation is nested one layer after another, and search engine spiders need to go through these layers of navigation to find the target content page. Such complex navigation is simply testing the endurance of search engine spiders. If you continue to embarrass visitors like this, the consequences will be self-evident. We must ensure that our visitors can enter the desired content page within three clicks.

Therefore, in order to improve the friendliness of the website and search engines, only if the website becomes the favorite object of search engines, then website optimization will have greater success and better benefits can be obtained. 

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