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The first condition for speed improvement is that in terms of hardware

The first condition for speed improvement is that in terms of hardware, website access speed is very important. Everyone should be aware that if the website is loading very slowly, it will be shut down without hesitation. Therefore, the company must first configure a sufficient server for the website to ensure fast access speed, and the website must display as few videos as possible and compress the images.

Speed-up condition 2. In terms of website special effects, when planning a website, in order to make the website look more beautiful, various pictures and special effects will be added to the website. If the special effects are too bright, it will not only cause aesthetic discomfort, but also seriously affect the website. to the loading speed of the website. Therefore, before doing special effects, make sure that the space server can accept it and will not affect the normal loading of the website. Also, the colors of the pictures and special effects should not be too many or too fancy.

Speed-up condition 3. Processing of images on the site. According to incomplete statistics, the slowest speed for customers to wait for page access is 10 seconds. If the user closes the web page after more than 10 seconds, there is a great possibility of leaving the website. Therefore, the response speed of the website is very important to customers. Experience is very important. In order to ensure fast access to the website, try to reduce the use of some large-capacity pictures, flash animations and other multimedia, and compress the pictures on the website, but the premise is that the shape of the picture is not changed. Try to use less flash and pictures on the homepage to improve website access speed.

Speed-up condition 4: Start from the page. If you can't decide your site server, then I have to start from the page. Streamlining the code, optimizing images, and flash processing can all help improve our site access speed. Try to use the least amount of code to achieve the desired purpose and lose weight on the website. Database calls usually use js code. Once a website has too many js codes, not only will search engines not include your web page, but it will also slow down the server. At worst, the website access speed may be slow, or at worst, the website server may be directly paralyzed. In the past, when I opened a site, all other content was displayed, and only pictures and flash were slowly displayed.

For most corporate websites, a server with 1g space is a very reasonable choice. We might as well do a calculation. Based on 200k pictures, 1g of space can hold more than 5,000 pictures. Deducting the space occupied by website programs (website programs usually only occupy 10-30m), it is enough to hold 4,000 pictures. Come on. Some people say that the bigger the space, the faster the internet speed will be, right? In fact, this is a trap. The website space is only for storing data and will not affect the browsing speed. What determines the browsing speed is the bandwidth. In principle, the speed of a website using a 1g space server is no different from that of a website using a 10g space server.

If the website cannot be loaded within ten or dozens of seconds after entering the URL, many customers will give up visiting. Therefore, it is very important to improve the access speed of the website. The first is to choose a server space with high configuration. The second is to use less large pictures and animations in the design of the website, and the third is to refine the program code of the website. These are all technical issues. When a company wants to build a website, it must put forward these conditions and meet these conditions to speed up the website construction.

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